Artificial Intelligence

What are the impacts of artificial intelligence on the creative market?

Igor Alvarez - our Tech Lead

The astonishing pace with which technology.

Has advanced lately seems to be especially visible in areas where Artificial Intelligence is already impacting our professional daily lives. “AI” initials is ubiquitous within the tech, health and financial news (especially with alarming headlines and Terminator-like photos). But how true are those headlines and in which ways can AI really impact fields such as creative marketing and the corresponding healthcare segment, both of which have been considered highly human-exclusive areas

Well, the future is always an open question but a good way to start answering that is to define what exactly the term AI means: Artificial Intelligence isn’t really something mystical, impenetrable and inherently dangerous as sometimes it is made to look. Put simply, an AI system is any system that is not designed to solve a problem in an explicit/specific way but, instead, to go through a huge collection of data and, based on the mathematical relation it identifies, find an optimal solution (or ‘model’ in AI jargon) to that problem. Obviously, in practice, it involves a lot more work, math, and ethics than that, but that’s exactly what any A.I. system is designed to do: Analyze data and find patterns that can later generate ‘solutions.

And that’s exactly why any segment can benefit from the advancements of AI: We now have more high-quality information than ever before. And we see the results everyday: new AI solutions being developed and refined in each and every possible segment, yielding impressive results.

One such solution, that took the world by storm, is the AI image generator built by OpenAI called DALL-E 2 (the name is a neat mixture of Pixar’s Wall-e and Salvador Dalí). This system is capable of generating images based solely on a textual description of what the user wants to see. Every image is unique and never existed prior to the generation process. This process takes less than 5 seconds per image and the quality of the results speak for themselves. What previously would take a specialized artist/designer hours – or even days – to create can now be generated in less than a minute.

That will certainly make human creativity useless, right? Well, not exactly. With every advancement in technology, the fear of becoming obsolete is comprehensible, but most of time it not only proves itself wrong but also point us in the absolute opposite of what really happens: Photoshop didn’t kill photography, Netflix didn’t kill Hollywood and, certainly, DALL-E (or any other AI tool) will not kill the human creativity. In fact, such tools even improve the final results and make our manual labor easier, allowing us, creatives, to think about what really makes the difference in our work: meaningful ideas applied in a clear and assertive communication.